According to a recently released study conducted by an international team of scientists in Belgium and the Netherlands, traveling at speeds outdoors dramatically changes safe spacial requirements.
Without taking into consideration wind speed or direction, here are examples of the space that would need to be maintained between cyclists and between pedestrians to keep people safe as they bicycle or walk directly behind someone:
OVERTAKING ANOTHER CYCLIST: In order to safely pass another cyclist when there is no wind, one must start to move over at the same distance that is required to keep out of the slipstream of the cyclist ahead. The cyclist trying to pass must ride in a straight line outside of the slipstream. So assuming you are riding at a fast speed and on the right side of the road, you would have to travel in a straight line in the adjoining lane starting when 66 feet behind the cyclist in front in order to catch up AND continue in the adjoining lane in a straight line for 66 feet after passing before moving back into position in the right lane. Given all the above, there is little chance that a group ride can be conducted safely. Furthermore, wind conditions were not taken into consideration within this study, which would likely change the safe spatial requirements. Please be responsible and ride solo or with members of your household.
Local supporters of the Firefly Trail are encouraged to volunteer in organizing a Winterville Local Action Committee (LAC). The role of the LAC is to advocate for and enhance popular support of the trail supporting local officials in its maintenance, development as a public resource, and encouraging local use of the trail. Eventually the Winterville LAC will coordinate with various LACs all along the 39-mile trail corridor. Interested individuals will find an application at the City's website: Until further notice, because of the pandemic, the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors of the Firefly Trail, Inc. will be held virtually. The meetings are customarily held on the third Thursday of each month beginning at 3:30pm, though this is subject to change. If you are interested in joining one or more of our virtual Board of Directors meetings, please contact us via email at [email protected].
The Firefly Trail is a community-driven rail-trail in progress. When complete, it will stretch about 39 miles between Union Point and Athens, Ga., connecting three counties and seven towns with a wide, paved, off-road path for walking, running, cycling and rolling. This trail celebrates the historic corridor of the Georgia Railroad Athens Branch, the state’s first chartered railroad.
Route Map
(*DRAFT ONLY*) Local governments will determine the final route. INstagram | FBBlog Archives
October 2024
GIVE TO FIREFLY VIA KROGERBe sure to update your Kroger Plus to designate Firefly Trail, Inc. (Organization #BJ882) as your preferred community partner!