Lee Morgan, president of the Oconee County Cycling Organization, presented Firefly Trail Inc. with a check for $1000 to support the Firefly Trail and raise awareness of bicycling and bicycle safety throughout our region. The funds came from the 2019 Tour d'Oconee, a mass participation bicycling event held May 11 in Oconee County. Thank you Lee and Oconee County Cycling Organization!
Thanks to your support over the past few years we are thrilled to report that pavement is on the ground in Maxeys! Our March 28, 2020 Ticket to Ride event will be really special with a beautiful off-road entrance into Maxeys.
The proposed design for the Firefly Bridge Over Trail Creek has been revealed! It will bridge the 500-foot gap in the existing trail over Trail Creek at the old Trail Creek/"Murmur" trestle. The recommendation grows out of tremendous public input and detailed discussions involving multiple Athens-Clarke County departments and the Mayor and Commission. The plan is a hybrid design incorporating an exact replacement of the existing trestle with sweeping steel arches supporting new construction on each end. Check it out here https://www.accgov.com/8735/Firefly-Bridge-Over-Trail-Creek or go to Thursday's (9/18/19) open house at 6 PM at the Planning Department auditorium on Dougherty Street.
Runners and walkers: Here's a great way to support the Firefly Trail in Union Point -- the Union Point Junction Jamboree 5K on Saturday, Sept. 28. Union Point is closing in on the amount they need to raise in matching funds. Your support makes a difference!
Great turnout for the East Campus Bridge dedication on September 5th. The Hodgson Wind Ensemble brass section played a piece composed by UGA student Cameron Gwynn specifically for the occasion. Prior to the ribbon cutting, Mayor Kelly Girtz spoke about the importance of connecting our community through multi-use trails. This new bridge provides an important new connection from the Greenway and Firefly trails to the UGA Campus, 5 points, and beyond. Thank you to ACC Leisure Services, the ACC Mayor and Commission, UGA, and everyone involved in this project!
The Firefly Trail is a community-driven rail-trail in progress. When complete, it will stretch about 39 miles between Union Point and Athens, Ga., connecting three counties and seven towns with a wide, paved, off-road path for walking, running, cycling and rolling. This trail celebrates the historic corridor of the Georgia Railroad Athens Branch, the state’s first chartered railroad.
Route Map
(*DRAFT ONLY*) Local governments will determine the final route. INstagram | FBBlog Archives
December 2024
GIVE TO FIREFLY VIA KROGERBe sure to update your Kroger Plus to designate Firefly Trail, Inc. (Organization #BJ882) as your preferred community partner!