To all our wonderful supporters,
To win nearly 3-to-1 is astonishing. This would not have been possible without you, our intrepid supporters who see the vision for what Athens can become.
Tremendous credit goes to the Citizens Advisory Committee for creating a top-notch TSPLOST package, to Winterville Mayor Dodd Ferrelle and his unwavering belief that Firefly Trial will bring positive economic growth and safety benefits to the burgeoning bicycle and pedestrian opportunities in Winterville, to Athens Mayor Nancy Denson and the County Commission for their support, to ACC Manager Blaine Williams for embracing the Firefly Trail and the CAC package, to Alice Kinman for her effective and non-stop leadership of the TSPLOST campaign, and to all of you for your work to open eyes and minds and to urge people to vote.
Years and years of positively promoting the Firefly Trail is a big part of why so many people want the trail, believe in the trail, and came out to support the trail. I'm so proud to be part of Firefly Trail Inc.!
Mark Ralston
President, Firefly Trail, Inc.